INOVA proudly represents the durable, low-maintenance AHV-IV family of vibrators with the latest advances in source technology implemented in the industry standard Articulated Hydrostatic Vehicle (AHV) design.
A variety of configurations and a comprehensive selection of customizable options are avaiable on our AHV-IV product line to accommodate variations in terrain, environment, or imaging requirements.
INOVA offers two options to meet imaging and operational requirements in the form of different actuators - the PLS-364 Commander and the PLS-380 Renegade. These are available with customizable features, such as a winter-package for arctic environments and standard or heavy-duty tracks for loose impediment and icy conditions
Accurately charged accumulators dampen mechanical noise at the actuator so accelerometer measurements of ground force are more accurate.
More than 600 AHV-IV vibrators have been sold directly for use the extreme heat of desert environments
AHV-IVs can be customized in a variety of ways to provide the ultimate operating experience
All INOVA systems contain a robust software called iX that consolidates source control and spread management into one simplified view for the Party Chief. Managing and visualizing source operations on a single system ensures higher quality imaging through better QC so you never miss a sweep.
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A built-in system that auto-lubricates contact points which reduces wear and tear on high friction parts such as pins and guide columns.
Within the AHV-IV there are four accumulators that require nitrogen charging. This kit simplifies the process and helps a vib tech manage the appropriate levels of pressure to charge the nitrogen to help reduce noise and provide a more accurate measure of force.
In high-productivity 24/7 operations, it can be difficult to schedule routine oil changes without breaking stride. We’ve created a hydraulic oil filtration kit that helps remove contaminants and prolongs the life of the oil.
For operations in Arctic climates where freezing temperatures make vibrator maintenance nearly impossible, we’ve created a fully enclosed environment complete with cameras and a lighting system to provide shelter for the technician and to keep the vib components protected.
Due to their size, rear visibility and emergency braking in a vib can be incredibly difficult leading to costly errors. Additional features such as backup cameras or an external emergency stop control can be installed to help prevent HSE-related incidents.