Geofizyka Torun and INOVA publish an article in First Break about developments in nodal data acquisition for TZ & shallow water

Mar 05, 2025

Nodal recording systems have improved significantly over the years in many ways, specifically concerning TZ and shallow water environments. This article (click here for the full article) focuses on the improvements that have been made over time to nodal systems and provides insight into projects that have been completed in these environments using quantum nodal systems. Deploying nodal systems in these areas compared to traditional cable systems saves the crews money, time, and productivity without losing data integrity. The quantum node is connected to an external sensor (marsh phone or hydrophone) and deployed above the water surface, maintaining the functionalities of the node such as timing synchronization, recording the GPS location, and remote QC using HyperQ.

Quantum TZ buoy
Quantum TZ Deployment on custom bouy
HyperQ Onshore
HyperQ enables QC of TZ deployments from the shore
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