



Quantum 的单点传感器节点具有较大的表面积和强大的检波器尖峰,并且可以埋入地下以改善耦合并降低环境噪声。

支持外部检波器串和沼泽检波器使您可以无缝集成到基础设施或环境可能具有挑战性的项目中。 所有这些都通过 INOVA 的 iX1 控制系统在一个用户友好的界面中进行处理。

Meet HyperQ





  • 配备电池、传感器、GPS和本地数据存储的全节点(8GB或16GB可选)
  • 高瞬时动态范围(127 dB),可提高信噪比
  • 一个节点 = 650克
  • 基于蓝牙技术的野外数据QC
  • 5 Hz 或 10 Hz 检波器选项


Quantum无线传感器网络由英洛瓦的iX1软件提供动力。iX1是一种可以简化野外操作流程,并大大降低主/从混合程序的低效性的地震采集操作系统。它将震源控制和扩展管理集成到一个综合视图中,供观测员使用。它还可以通过G3i HD和Quantum或Hawk的协同工作,为基于节点和电缆的混合操作提供单一命令和实施控制。最棒的是,iX1控制台提供节点数据下载、转录和管理模块。一个平台就能搞定一切。

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Easy QC

Easy QC

HyperQ™ enables Quantum nodes to communicate wirelessly to a central location and send operational status of the unit.






Quantum提供高动态范围(高达127 dB)。仪器的动态范围表示可以在不失真的情况下记录的最强和最弱信号。使用Quantum,模拟信号几乎瞬间被接收,并在记录时转换为数字信号。这提高了信噪比,降低了记录中环境噪音污染的风险,并提供了捕获高质量宽频数据所需的范围。

G3i HD Cable System Integration

G3i HD Cable System Integration

Two systems, one dataset -beautiful harmony. Say goodbye to the frustration of managing two recording systems for the same survey. INOVA’s G3i HD and Quantum are fully integrated so you can deliver one seamless SEG-Y or SEG-D dataset to your clients. The onboard iX1 software in all Inova recording systems allows you to manage the entire spread, and reflects both cable and nodal ground units on a single, intuitive display. Observers have full command and control over operations, so they can quickly QC and manage data, sources and spread diagnostics in one location.

Mixed Source

Mixed Source

It’s common to have surveys over a large area where terrain varies and dictates the use of vibs or dynamite. Quantum supports both energy sources and offers an intuitive source QC functionality through the onboard iX1 software.

HPVS Support

Quantum powered by iX1 software supports most high productivity vibroseis survey designs including dynamic slip-sweep, distance separated sweeping (DS3and DS4), independent sweeping (ISS) and HFVS.

Vib Logistics Management

Running several fleets of vibrators simultaneously poses significant HSE and source management challenges. Being able to visualize the locations of the vibrators on the spread requires onboard navigation systems that communicate directly with the recorder. Inova vibrators can be outfitted with Connex Viband Vib Pro HD which are fully integrated and supported in the Quantum central recorder.


INOVA's ultra-lite system comprises of a download + charge rack and a laptop based computer running the iX1 central system software.

With a capacity of 16 nodes per rack, the system can support up to 300 channels, ideal for small channel count systems. In addition, utilizing INOVA'S QC application for Android OS, status checks can be performed on units deployed in the field with ease.


INOVA's lite system comprises of an SPM LITE running the iX1 software and Quantum standard download racks with capacity of 40 units per rack.

The system can support up to 3000 channels, ideal for smaller 3D operations. In addition, utilizing INOVA'S QC application for Android OS, status checks can be performed on units deployed in the field with ease.


A standard system comprises of a common acquisition hardware platform with G3i HD including the Seismic Processing Module (SPM). Data download and Transcription is performed with TPM Rack , comprising of Transcription Processing Module, large memory capacity and up to 528 TB of data storage.

A Combined Processing Module (CPM) offers the SPM and TPM as a single system.

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